Mountain Movers
Daniel M Franks
Not Available
Responsible Mining
Sara University of Melbourne and 1 more
Mining in Latin America
Kalowatie Deonandan and 1 more
Industrialising Rural India
Kenneth Nielsen
Kenneth Bo Nielsen and 1 more
Africa's Mineral Fortune
Saleem H Ali and 2 more
Kalowatie Deonandan
African Artisanal Mining from the Inside Out
Sara Geenen
Social Terrains of Mine Closure in the Philippines
Minerva Chaloping March
Governance in the Extractive Industries
Lori Leonard
Saleem H Ali
Energy, Resource Extraction and Society
Anna Szolucha
Mining and Sustainable Development
Sumit K Univeristy of South Australia Business School and 1 more
Our Extractive Age
Judith Shapiro and 1 more
Judith Shapiro
Regime Stability, Social Insecurity and Bauxite Mining in Guinea
Penda Diallo
Local Experiences of Mining in Peru
Gerardo Castillo Guzmán
The Anthropology of Resource Extraction
Lorenzo DAngelo
Resource Extraction, Space and Resilience
Juha University of Eastern Finland and 1 more
The Social Impacts of Mine Closure in South Africa
Lochner University of the Free State and 1 more
The Shaping of Greenland’s Resource Spaces
Mark University of Alberta and 1 more
Indigenous Responses to Mining in Post-Conflict Colombia
Diana Carolina Arbeláez Ruiz
Oil and National Identity in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Alessandro Tinti
The Impact of Mining Lifecycles in Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan
Troy Sternberg
Andean States and the Resource Curse
Gerardo Damonte
Stakeholders, Sustainable Development Policies and the Coal Mining Industry
Izabela JonekKowalska and 3 more
Mining, Mobility, and Social Change in the Global South
Local Responses to Mine Closure in South Africa
Sethulego Matebesi
Tree Plantation Extractivism in Chile
Alejandro MoraMotta
Mining and Indigenous Livelihoods
Thierry Rodon and 4 more
Local Communities and the Mining Industry
Nicolas D Brunet and 1 more
Lochner Marais
Mining and Development in Sierra Leone
Robert Jan Pijpers
The Shaping of Greenland's Resource Spaces
Mark Nuttall
Diana Carolina Arbelaez Ruiz